Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The WorldWideWeb in numbers

I got this video from a friend, and it's impressive:

There are 1.73 billion internet users (actually almost 2 billion today), compared to 1.1 billion undernourished people and 1.4 billion who don't have access to water (the same number as the email users).
In percentage terms the European continent is the most internetized one.
The social networking concept exploded about 5 years ago; today its greatest representative, Facebook, has 6 million views per minute...I wonder how many of them are during working hours... :p
Another phenomenon is YouTube, with an average of 182 videos/month, which means 6/day...that's about half an hour (at least these were 4 minutes well used)
A strong proof that something is wrong with this world is the fact that the most followed Tweeter user is...Ashton Kutcher (4.25 million people are nourished by his wisdom)

All this information flow has also its bad seeds: 80% of email is spam and 150 k zombie computers spawn each day; you could say that it's not much compared to the almost 170 million computers existing on the planet...but 150k today, 150k tomorrow and we get the computer version of Zombieland/I am Legend/ 28 Days After...or any other infected-mindless-walking-dead-based movie.

Ecologically speaking one Google search generates 7g of CO2, so in two clicks you get the same carbon footprint as an electric kettle. Actually, 2 small nuclear plants would be needed to power up all the Google servers worldwide.
Know that the "clean" information technology field is responsible for 2% of the greenhouse effect gas emissions.
Last sad fun-fact: a SecondLife avatar has the same yearly energy consumption as a Brazilian citizen (1752kWh).

So by reading this blog (one in 126 million) you add 0.2g CO2/s into the ecosystem, but now you're aware of it ;)

1 comment:

  1. :)) nice stats; btw software IT and what not companies have started to think about the energy efficiency of their equipement, and started this club of companies seeking to reduce 10 and then 100 times their intensity (in energy usage); heard about it somewhere on the net

