Who's behind this?

Hello and welcome. I am AlexAndru, the almighty owner of the blog. During the years I’ve gathered several wannabe talents; more or less chronologically, gamer, computer trouble-shooter, rock music expert, photographer, movie reviewer…and now it was time to become a wannabe blogger. I say wannabe because in all of these cases I got above general knowledge/skill concerning the matter but stopped there due to lack of time and/or motivation, because the “serious” stuff had to be done.
Here I intend to spread my wannabe experience in the fore-mentioned fields and share my point of view on…stuff.
One thing you should know is that I am, hopefully, more than a wannabe scientist…and a damn egocentric and stubborn one, so I generally start by truly believing to be 100% right, but if you defend your idea well enough I might get to agree with you. Have Fun! 'cause I'll surely do it...

If you wish to contact me: sarbu21alexdan@gmail.com / @yahoo.com