Wits: 4/5 (of the characters, no real acting in an animation)
Story: 4/5
Perception: 4.5/5
Rating: 4/5
Mr. Fox was a very talented thief, but Mrs. Fox made him promise to give up this way of life. Now they've got a cub, and Mr. Fox writes a column in the Gazette but he still wants to pull up his final grand act. So he takes on the three sites neighboring his house.
Since their owners did not enjoy this and also being very mean, revenge came shortly after; the whole animal community getting affected and the situation becoming pretty complicated.
It is an animation movie, but a quite special one, the props being real puppets and thus creating a somewhat vintage look. Also the music is brilliantly chosen having its own charm.
The main character really fits Clooney like a glove, a talented action planner capable of evading impossible situations led by a strong ego (a Danny Ocean of the animal kingdom). But the most powerful character is Mrs. Fox, who influences her husband through the excellent voice of Meryl Streep.
I particularity enjoyed the opossum and his black-out sessions.
One tiny drawback from my point of view was the 100% anthropomorphism, but this didn't affect the movie as a whole.
All in all, it is a very good pass-time picture, to be enjoyed in any situation.
Thoughts - Spoiler Alert!!!
Another drawback was the transvestite Ash (the son) at the end, the rest of the idea of a troubled teenager was ok in my book, but this was dumb.
All the animals had jobs, but what were they working for? The community? because I didn't catch any reference to some kind of currency, but the opossum did have a Titanium Card.
That rat was really creepy.
The dead-eyes looked like XBox logos.
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